Mahi Mahi Plated Taco
Looking for a fresh, spring meal full of flavor, healthy veggies, and lean protein? Look no further! This recipe is a great option for anyone– but especially people following a gluten free or dairy free diet. It’s also easy to make it vegetarian or vegan- just switch out the Mahi Mahi for tempeh. Mahi Mahi… Read More»
5 Meal Prep Hacks for 1-2 Person Households
We all know meal prepping in advance can help us stay on track with our fitness goals. Not only does it help deter us from grabbing a not-so-healthy option when we’re in a pinch but also eliminates the nightly “what should I eat for dinner?” dilemma. But meal prepping can be overwhelming especially if you’re… Read More»
Eating Healthy On The Go
Whether you’re a busy parent transporting kids from school to practice, a business professional jet setting the world for work, or a college student simply driving home for the holidays, you may not have the option to sit and have a meal around a table. Eating healthy on the go is a challenge that we… Read More»
Best Vegan Protein Sources
Sign-up for our 2020 Vegan January Challenge! Whether you’ve been a vegan for decades or just starting to dabble with a plant-based diet, one of the most common things you’ll be asked is “how do you get enough protein?!” Many people assume that without meat, your muscles will wither away or that “vegan protein” equals… Read More»