Mango Pineapple Tropical Smoothie
Sip into paradise with our nourishing Tropical Smoothie, which is sure to take your breakfast from basic to beachy while still hitting all of your nutrient goals. Whether it’s for breakfast or an afternoon snack, a refreshing smoothie is a quick and easy way to pack in a punch of nutritious foods, without taking up… Read More»

Top 5 Best Crackers, According to a Dietitian
There’s nothing like the satisfying crunch of a freshly opened pack of crackers, especially when you’ve got a tasty dip or a buttery, salty cheese to pair them with. What I look for in crackers: Taste takes priority and the majority of consumers agree. Taste is and always will be the #1 purchase driver for… Read More»

Is the Low FODMAP Diet the Key to Weight Loss?
Never Heard of the Low-FODMAP Diet? This article was written by Madalyn Christine Fiorillo, a graduate student at Syracuse University Following the low FODMAP diet means eliminating foods that are high in specific fermentable carbohydrates. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. In some people, these types of carbohydrates can cause digestive distress such as… Read More»

3 Healthy Pumpkin Spice Breakfast Ideas
To keep energy levels high this season, try these 3 healthy pumpkin spice breakfast ideas! I know, I know… pumpkin spice isn’t cool anymore. But as a basic millennial, it’s in my DNA to crave a PSL whenever the temp. drops below 80’F (I live in Florida, don’t make fun of me!) Buuuuuuut most pumpkin… Read More»

Mediterranean Veggie Pasta (High-Protein, Gluten-Free, Vegetarian)
This delicious Mediterranean Veggie Pasta with pesto makes for a healthy, plant-based dinner. Make extra for lunch the next day- you’re going to thank yourself! Traditional pasta tastes great (duh), but they often lack protein and fiber! Upgrade your traditional vegetarian or vegan pasta recipes by using a high protein pasta made from chickpeas, lentils,… Read More»

A Berry Healthy Valentine’s Day Smoothie Bowl
Show yourself some love & blend up a delicious Smoothie Bowl for Valentine’s Day! You’re a smooth[ie] operator 😉 I’m all for boxes of chocolates and candy hearts but leading up to the most romantic day of the year, I still want to eat nutritious meals that satisfy my sweet tooth! Cue this Valentine’s Day… Read More»

Date Brownies (for an easier labor!)
I read a study that showed that women who ate dates in the 4 weeks prior to labor significantly reduced the need for induction and interventions in labor. It was a small study, but eating dates can’t hurt, right? So I bought dates. And they sat in my pantry for a week, untouched. I realized… Read More»

Should You Go Gluten-Free?
As registered dietitian nutritionists, we often get asked from clients about whether or not they should follow a gluten-free diet and if so, how?
This article will help you decide if you should (or should not!) try a gluten-free diet an if so, better understand what to avoid in food.

Dietitian’s Guide: Healthy Options at Starbucks
Coffee lovers and Starbucks rewards members, take notes. Kait Richardson RDN shares the healthiest food and drink options at your local coffeeshop.

What is the Sirtfood Diet? Should I Try It?
The sirtfood diet was developed by two “celebrity” nutritionists in the UK and has recently rocketed to the top of this year’s top diet trends due to the claim that Adele has used it to lose 40+ lbs. Adele has not personally confirmed doing the sirtfood diet OR how much weight she has lost. The… Read More»