The Best Snack Bars 150 Calories or Less
“What are some easy on-the-go snacks that are healthy?” “What are the best snack bars out there?” I hear these questions every week! Many people head to the cereal bar section and pick up the Special K bars, Fiber One, or Chewy Oatmeal bars. The problem with many of these bars is that they are high in… Read More»

Healthy Pasta Primavera
When you’re in the mood for something light and “springy”, pasta is probably one of the last things that come to mind. The word primavera literally translates to Spring, and without all the butter, cream, and loads of cheese with a skimpy portion of whatever leftover veggies are in the kitchen like most restaurants serve… Read More»

Moroccan Fish over Whole Grain Couscous
I’ll admit I’ve been in a recipe blogging rut lately. It’s not that I’ve not been cooking, I just haven’t felt like coming up with new, inventive dishes, taking food photos, documenting the recipes and then posting them. I’ve been more in the mood to take a look in the fridge, whip something up and eat it… Read More»

No-Bake Carrot Cake Cream Cheese Bars
I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing and sunshine-y Easter weekend. This was my first holiday here in The Woodlands, TX. Will and I have had some rough times lately– we both lost 2 family members this spring all within a few weeks of each other and being away from the rest of our families… Read More»

Blackberry Protein Shake with Hidden Greens
If you’re looking for a quick and healthy protein shake recipe, look no more. If you hate kale, but know you’ve got to eat it because it’s just SO good for you, this recipe is for you. You can’t taste the kale at all. This shake is great for a breakfast on the go or… Read More»

Homemade BBQ Potato Chips and Curried Sweet Potato Chips
This is probably the easiest snack and recipe ever, but so much healthier than the alternative of grabbing a bag of fried chips. I’m always trying to get my clients more involved in their food and eating “cleaner,” less processed foods. In general, potato chips are the perfect example of a highly processed food. You start… Read More»

Banana Pumpkin Power Smoothie
Banana Pumpkin Power Smoothie Serves 1 1/3 cup pureed pumpkin 2/3 cup soymilk 1 frozen banana 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon agave 1 teaspoon chia seeds Small handful of kale 2 ice cubes Optional: One scoop of your favorite protein powder. I’m currently obsessed with this one. 1. Blend and sip! Enjoy the powerful antioxidants… Read More»

Healthy Green Chile & Spinach Quesadillas with Fresh Salsa
This was a “what can I throw together” kinda dinner, but it turned out to be great and I thought I’d share it for all of you throw together types. You can make healthy quesadillas any time if you keep whole grain tortillas on hand along with some fresh salsa, greek yogurt and your favorite… Read More»

Sweet Potato Hummus
Hummus is all the rage– and we all know why. Its deeeelicious. On sandwiches, on wraps, on crackers, as a veggie dip, with warm pita and on and on. Have you ever made your own? I had never thought to and always bought Sabra or whatever was on sale at the time, until my friend… Read More»

Pear-fect Grapefruit Smoothie
This is kind of a juice, kind of a smoothie, completely tasty and totally healthy. The perfect tropical pick me-up for a rainy day. If you’re feeling a little under the weather, whip this up for a double shot of vitamin C. Pair it with a hard-boiled egg or a slice of whole grain ezekial… Read More»