Lightened Up Beer Cheese Soup
Ok, so beer cheese soup is in no way a LIGHT dish. It’s a majorly creamy comfort food. The bf was feeling under the weather and I wanted to make him something to feel better but chicken soup was too boring so I figured why not put together two of his favorite things (beer and… Read More»

Lean Green Machine
Instead of turning to caffeine this morning when you need a jolt of energy, why not throw some produce in the blender and get some nutrient-filled raw energy? The Lean Green Machine has the perfect blend of sweet and tart balanced out by the mellow flavors of spinach and celery. Sure, you could throw all… Read More»

Creamy White Cheddar Cauliflower Soup
Yes, I am 100% guilty of using my new food processor to make everything. But I’ve been wanting one for so long I can’t help it! Smoothies, juices, salsa, almond butter, applesauce…. you name it, I’ve made it in the last 2 weeks. It’s definitely expanded my kitchen repertoire AND increased the amount of… Read More»

The Rise and Shine Smoothie
You just know you’re going to have a good day when you start it off with a delicious drink like this: The recipe is simple and quick, perfect for the mornings when you’re barely awake. The Rise and Shine Smoothie Serves 2 1 banana 1 orange, peeled, quartered and seeded 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon… Read More»

Fresh Texas Salsa with Green Hatch Chiles
Have you ever heard of green hatch chiles? I hadn’t until I moved to Texas, where HEB Central Market has a Hatch Chile Festival every year celebrating the little spicy green peppers grown only in Hatch, New Mexico. Since they’re not in season now, I found a canned version at Trader Joe’s but you can… Read More»

Cure All Juice
For whatever ails ya. From a hangover to no sleep to the common cold, this lovely juice will get you up and moving and on your way to feeling your best. This ingredient combination is the best of the best when it comes to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant needs… but the taste? AMAZING! It’s really this… Read More»

100 Calorie Cranberry Dark Chocolate Muffins
A 100 calorie muffin, can you believe it? By using fresh cranberries instead of dried cranberries, I saved a ton of calories and sugar and it gave the muffins a wonderfully tart, exciting flavor. These babies are whole grain and full of goodness with healthy ingredients such as unsweetened applesauce, Greek yogurt, cinnamon and pumpkin… Read More»

Roasted Rainbow Potatoes
Here’s a sneaky way to work in some Brussels sprouts at dinner for your finicky eaters– there’s so many vibrant colors in this dish they may not even notice. Roasted Rainbow Potatoes 2 lbs assorted new potatoes- red, gold and purple, quartered 1 yellow onion cut into wedges 1 lb Brussels sprouts, roughly chopped 1… Read More»

Chocolate Cornbread
Sounds a little weird right? But it works! I was craving something sweet on Sunday night and I knew I had some cocoa powder, chocolate chips and an entire bag of corn meal that I don’t know how to use other than to make a million types of cornbread, so I decided to give some… Read More»

Cherry-Almond Smoothie
I recently posted a YouTube video discussing foods and drinks that can decrease muscle soreness. Tart cherry juice was high on the list of foods/drinks that can help your muscles recover after an intense workout so I decided to come up with a quick and easy smoothie recipe to incorporate this tasty juice. As the… Read More»