Sweet Potato and Tomato Pasta
Sometimes I’m just in the mood for something different. Something I’ve never had before. That happened to be a few weeks ago, a day where I didn’t feel like being in the kitchen for hours and was feeling super sad about letting go of my foster dog Lenka. We’re talking ugly-cry-multiple-times-a-day-for-multiple-days-in-a-row sad. To the point where… Read More»

Peach Butter, Pecan & Aged Cheddar Mini Grilled Cheeses
By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe challenge sponsored by Cabot Creamery and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. Grilled cheese… that’s really all I had to say right? I didn’t even have to mention the sweet cinnamon-y local peach butter, the roasted… Read More»

Spicy Veggie Chili
Remember 2 Mondays ago when Ohio State shocked the world and won the National Championship? That same night, I shocked the world (of Texas) with an amazing chili recipe– with NO meat! Texans tend to get pretty squirrely when you mention taking the meat out of something… so I just don’t mention it. I let… Read More»

Fresh Fish Friday: Steelhead Trout
Salmon has been known as the best of the best when it comes to healthy fish for a while now, but it’s finally getting some competition… from a fish you’ve probably never heard of. Steelhead trout is an up and coming cousin of salmon that looks very similar, tastes amazing and is much cheaper than it’s… Read More»

Mushroom Bourguignon Soup
I can’t remember where I ran across it, whether it was in a magazine, on a blog or on a cooking segment, but someone was trying to make Julia Child’s famous Boeuf Bourguignon recipe. It has almost a full bottle of red wine in it and it got me in the mood to cook something with red wine…. Read More»

Blueberry Almond Breakfast Bread (Vegan)
Have you met my awesome intern Helen yet? She’s been working with me (mostly virtually) since this spring and has been a huge help with developing client handouts and doing research and writing for our Medical News Today articles. Helen hopes to own her own nutrition practice one day and wants to learn the ropes of… Read More»

Sesame Beet and Goat Cheese Dip
There’s nothing like a bright purple dip to dress up your holiday feast! I had never roasted beets before, and I had no idea they would come out with this brilliant color! Roasting them was super easy, and they came out tasting much better than the canned beets that I’m used to adding to salads…. Read More»

Chickpea, Kale and Cashew Superfood Soup
How many of you have been sick already this year? Contrary to what mom told you, you won’t catch a cold from going outside with wet hair or without a jacket. The real reasons we tend to feel under the weather more often in winter increased stress and lack of sleep which depress our immune… Read More»

Healthy Christmas Cocktails: Pom-Mintini
Everyone wants to know (especially around the holidays) what’s healthiest possible alcoholic beverage to imbibe in. While a typical 4.5 oz martini has around 248 calories, a 10 oz margarita has around 420 and a 6 oz whiskey sour has about 275, this Pom-Mintini comes in only 107 calories for a 4 ounce glass. You get… Read More»

Spicy Cinnamon Ginger Roasted Carrots
These pretty puppies are hands-down, no contest, the best carrots I’ve ever had. You know how when people start a diet the first things they go out and buy are skinless chicken breasts, carrot sticks and rice cakes? I think that’s why a lot of people aren’t huge fans of carrots, because they remind them of… Read More»