A Berry Healthy Valentine’s Day Smoothie Bowl
Show yourself some love & blend up a delicious Smoothie Bowl for Valentine’s Day! You’re a smooth[ie] operator š I’m all for boxes of chocolates and candy hearts but leading up to the most romantic day of the year, I still want to eat nutritious meals that satisfy my sweet tooth! Cue this Valentine’s Day… Read More»

Cherry Almond Coffee Smoothie
For those mornings you can’t decide whether you want to drink coffee or a smoothie… put ’em together! Cherry Almond Coffee Smoothie Makes 1 serving Ā½ cup cold coffee Ā½ cup milk 1 scoop of protein powder (I used NAKED meal– great for when you need a full meals worth of nutrients out of your… Read More»

Blueberry Cheesecake Smoothie Bowl
Sometimes drinking my breakfast just doesn’t cut it. When I’m in the mood for something cold and sweet in the morning but I need to “beef it up,” I find that smoothie bowls do the trick. All I’m doing is decreasing the amount of liquid that I would normally put in a smoothie, then topping… Read More»

The Best Ready to Drink Protein Shakes (According to a Dietitian)
Updated 1/29/23 Most ready-to-drink protein shakes are NOT good for you. They are full of sugars or artificial sweeteners, refined oils, artificial colors, flavorings and other ingredients that are not real food. That said, they are pretty darn convenient when you wake up late for work and don’t want to skip breakfast or need something to portable… Read More»

Simple Red Velvet Smoothie
This post is sponsored by Kura Nutrition. Sometimes I hit snooze too many timesĀ and don’t have time for breakfast. Oh, that happens to you too? However, I will die if I head off to the office without stuffing my face with something so skipping isn’t an option. By 10am I’ll be moody and irritable and… Read More»

2016 Reset + Peanut Butter Banana CPF Smoothie
I know you’ve indulged over the last few weeks. I know you’ve skipped a couple workouts and maybe drank a little too much wine. No need to confess– it’s OK to slack a little to spend time with the people you love and enjoy the holidays. Now I need you to NOT freak out when… Read More»

The Best Protein Powder
Updated 6/10/21 Even dietitians need to do some pretty extensive research to find a great tasting protein powder without unnecessary additives. There are so many products and brands it’s impossible to choose the perfect one right from the start. So many protein powders just taste horrible or have a chalky consistency. But, lucky you, I did all the… Read More»

Carrot Cake Power Smoothie
I know I’ve been MIA lately, but the blog had to take a backseat for a while while I was off on some overseas adventures then subsequently trying to get my life and business back together after taking 2 weeks off! But no worries, I’ve got lots of posts coming up detailing my trip, new… Read More»

Healthy Christmas Cocktails: Pom-Mintini
Everyone wants to know (especially around the holidays) what’s healthiest possible alcoholic beverage to imbibe in. While a typical 4.5 oz martini has around 248 calories, a 10 oz margarita has around 420 and a 6 oz whiskey sour has about 275, this Pom-Mintini comes in only 107 calories for a 4 ounce glass. You get… Read More»

Pumpkin Pie Power Smoothie
Mmmmm, mmm, mmm. pumpkin pie in a glass. It doesn’t get much better than this. With all the sugar-heavy pumpkin flavored treats hitting the shelves, why not treat yourself to something pumpkin that’s actually good for you? This pumpkin pie smoothie is sweetened au natural (with a date) and packs a protein punch from almond… Read More»