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Dietitian Spotlight Series: Cindy Krainen, Recruiter and Founder of Dietitian Jobs Network

It’s time for another Registered Dietitian Spotlight! This week, I’m talking to Cindy Krainen, who has a very non-traditional RD role as a recruiter with Harper Associates. Many of you may already be familiar with her if you’ve been on the hunt for a job in dietetics or are a member of the Dietitian Jobs…   Read More»

Creamy Poblano Avocado Pasta

Everyone is lovin’ on green smoothies these days… how about trying some green pasta? Most of the time when you see a dish labeled “creamy,” it’s best to steer clear. Restaurants will use loads of heavy cream, cheese, butter and salt and before you know it, you’re eating over 1000 calories worth of pasta. But you know…   Read More»

Powered-Up Spinach Lasagna

This lasagna gets is *power* from a winning combo of nutrient-dense ingredients. I know spinach is old news ever since kale came to town, but there’s no reason to throw Popeye’s go-to out the window just because there’s a new kid on the block. The super food spinach supplies iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, phosphorus,…   Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Sheena Pradhan, New York City Private Practice

For this weeks spotlight, I interviewed a new RD that I met while working at Shane Diet & Fitness Resort in New York this past summer. Sheena Pradhan works as an outpatient community RD and recently started her own practice, Nutritious Balance. What’s a typical day in the life of Sheena? During the week, I…   Read More»

Creamy White Cheddar Cauliflower Soup

  Yes, I am 100% guilty of using my new food processor to make everything. But I’ve been wanting one for so long I can’t help it! Smoothies, juices, salsa, almond butter, applesauce…. you name it, I’ve made it in the last 2 weeks. It’s definitely expanded my kitchen repertoire AND increased the amount of…   Read More»

Dietitian Spotlight Series: Lucette Talamas, Community Health RD in Miami, FL

This week the spotlight is on my dear friend Lucette Talamas, who I met and worked with while I was living in Orlando, Florida. Lucette has an extremely versatile (and busy!) career in dietetics as a community health dietitian for Baptist Health in the Miami area. Her job entails a little of everything— public speaking,…   Read More»

The Rise and Shine Smoothie

You just know you’re going to have a good day when you start it off with a delicious drink like this: The recipe is simple and quick, perfect for the mornings when you’re barely awake. The Rise and Shine Smoothie Serves 2 1 banana 1 orange, peeled, quartered and seeded 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon…   Read More»

Roasted Rainbow Potatoes

Here’s a sneaky way to work in some Brussels sprouts at dinner for your finicky eaters– there’s so many vibrant colors in this dish they may not even notice. Roasted Rainbow Potatoes 2 lbs assorted new potatoes- red, gold and purple, quartered 1 yellow onion cut into wedges 1 lb Brussels sprouts, roughly chopped 1…   Read More»

How to Avoid Weight Gain During the Holidays

The holidays– a time for celebrations! Unfortunately, it’s also a time when we’re more likely to gain weight. Food is often a very important part of celebrations and traditions, and rightfully so.  Colder weather discourages outdoor workouts (not to mention making you want to lay on the couch with a blanket after work instead of…   Read More»

Chocolate Cornbread

Sounds a little weird right?  But it works! I was craving something sweet on Sunday night and I knew I had some cocoa powder, chocolate chips and an entire bag of corn meal that I don’t know how to use other than to make a million types of cornbread, so I decided to give some…   Read More»

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