Berry Simple Breakfast Bars
I got the idea for this recipe from Pinterest and tweaked it a bit to make a healthier version. It combines three of my favorite things that I eat almost daily: oats, berries, and dark chocolate. I ended up eating most of the bars as dessert, but they would work great for breakfast as well. Bake… Read More»
Dietitian Approved: Easy Tzatziki & Greek Pita Pockets
Easy Tzatziki & Greek Pita Pockets 1/2 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1/2 medium sized cucumber, chopped 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped 1/4 cup black olives, chopped 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese 1/4 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 1/4 cup shredded cucumber 1/4 teaspoon dill 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Hummus- any variety Whole grain pitas… Read More»

For Your Busiest Day: Quick and Easy Mexican Minestrone
This recipe is perfect for the day you just know you’re not going to have time to prepare dinner and you’re going to be ravaged by hunger by the time you get home. Instead of raiding the snack cabinet, take 10 minutes to prep this delicious and nutritious meal before you leave the house in… Read More»
10-minute Dinner: Citrus Shrimp Salad with White Beans and Arugula
Ready for the beach yet? Me too. I’m starting to get tired of all the wintery dishes so tonight I opted for something lighter and fresher. It may not be bikini weather yet, but this light dish will help you get ready for it! Citrus Shrimp Salad with White Beans and Arugula Prep time: 5 minutes… Read More»

Heart Healthy Chipotle Chili
I’ve got the perfect recipe for February, where freezing cold temperatures are the norm, Catholics start thinking about giving up meat on Fridays and of course, it’s American Heart Month. This ingredient list may have a few vegetables that you’ve never tried before. Do not, I repeat, do not be afraid to step outside of your iceberg lettuce and… Read More»

5-Minute Flatbread Pizza
On Friday night, I was hit by a craving: Pizza. I started to look up a place to order from where I could get something relatively healthy, maybe a thin crust veggie. Then I thought hey, maybe I could make one myself with ingredients I have on hand and save myself $$ AND calories. I… Read More»

Fresh Fish Friday: Salmon Edition
An amazing salmon salad I had at one of the restaurants along the beach in Malaga, Spain. Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids out there. A diet rich in omega 3’s supports heart health and may reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The American Heart Association recommends eating… Read More»
Fire Roasted Rosemary Vegetable Soup
I only have two words for this soup: SO GOOD. Ever since I experimented with kale for the first time a few weeks ago, I’ve been looking for other ways to use this nutrient-packed leafy green. I’ve been making a lot of soups this winter, but this one is my favorite! Fire Roasted Rosemary Vegetable… Read More»

Spicy Pumpkin Pasta
What, you thought the pumpkin obsession was reserved for lattes and desserts? No way. Pumpkin is making it’s way into your dinner too. Why the pumpkin obsession? Well besides the taste, it offers some great health benefits: a half cup provides 100% of your vitamin A needs for the day and as much potassium than a banana. Like… Read More»
Let’s Get Crabby: Roasted Corn and Crab Chowder
Getting cold yet? This chowder recipe is perfect for a cozy night spent indoors in front of the fire. Or for me, watching the Eagles get crushed on Thursday night football last night. Roasted Corn and Crab Chowder 1 16oz package frozen corn 1 large chopped onion 1 medium- large chopped red bell pepper 1… Read More»